#2 - Play

We ended up choosing the uncanny racism simulator and started working on ideas on how to make the game fun while still keeping the theme relevant. One of the big issues we had when creating ideas was not making the game too racist and offending. We ended up coming up with the idea that we want to gaslight the player into thinking that one color is very bad and evil and if you don't kill all the colored, all will die. The plot twist is that the player has no reason to kill all the colored and nothing will happen if you don't. we want the player to slowly realize it more and more over time. The point of the game is to make the player to reflect on what they are doing. We were presenting the idea for THE EXPERT COUNCIL and lets just say they didn't like it. BUT!!! we don't care. The only thing we got from the feedback was making the game a little less racist. We are not sure of a title yet. our team name is "Tod" (it has no deeper meaning whatsoever) Roles: Silaz is our very own sound designer :) . Milo is the cool coding nerd :( . Lisa is the one-man(woman) art designer. And at the very end we got Gustav the super epic unity particle system guy.

Get Kill the blue guys (no gaslighting edition)